Top Bushisms in the Category of: Unintentionally Ironic or Humorous


1. "I appreciate the grassroots people who are here. Listen, you've got to work hard to turn out the vote, and that's what we call grassroots. I want to thank you. I'm here to fertilize the grassroots today. I'm here to ask you to grow." George W. Bush, Cincinnait, OH, May 4, 2004 [AUDIO]
2. "We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace." - George W. Bush, address to U.N. General Assembly, Sep. 21, 2004
3. "There is something healthy about people campaigning, saying, this is what I'm for. [Palestinian] President [Abbas] ran on a peace platform. You know, maybe somebody will run on a war platform -- you know, vote for me, I promise violence. I don't think they're going to get elected, because I think Palestinian moms want their children to grow up in peace just like American moms want their children to grow up in peace. As a matter of fact, I think the people that campaign for peace will win." - George W. Bush, White House, May 26, 2005
-- Himself excluded, of course...
  4. "The Oval Office is an interesting place to meet, particularly, people who are beginning to struggle with democracy and freedom because it's a reminder that the institutions, at least in this country, are always bigger than the people. Sometime we've got an all-right President, sometimes not all right. But the presidency, itself, exists." - George W. Bush, observation on democracy, Roswell, NM, Nov. 22, 2004  


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