Top Bushisms in the Category of: Unclear on the Concept


1. "The invisible part of everything that you thought you could see, you can't see." - George W. Bush, offering his appraisal of the Palestinian/Israeli situation, Interview with ITN, Crawford, TX, Apr. 5, 2002
2. "Russia is no longer our enemy and therefore we shouldn't be locked into a Cold War mentality that says we keep the peace by blowing each other up. In my attitude, that's old, that's tired, that's stale." - George W. Bush, Des Moines, IA, June 8, 2001 (I agree, blowing each other up is no way to keep the peace, in my attitude.)
3. "The more money they have in their more pockets -- in their pockets, the more likely it is that somebody will find work." - George W. Bush, White Sulphur Springs, WV, Feb. 9, 2003
4. "And I don't want Congress messing with the budget." - George W. Bush, O'Fallon, MO, Mar. 18, 2002 (Gosh no, you don't want the branch of government charged with holding the purse strings messing with the budget.)
5. "We live in a culture of moral indifference, where movies and videos glamorize violence and tolerance is touted as a great virtue." - George W. Bush, TX A&M University, Apr. 6, 1998 (Yes, I believe it was Jesus who was pushing that crazy trend of touting tolerance as a great virtue.)
6. "The world is more peaceful as a result of Saddam Hussein not being in power." - George W. Bush, Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 12, 2004 (He means, except for the war.)
7. "My mom often used to say, 'The trouble with W' - although she didn't put that to words." - George W. Bush, Washington, DC, Apr. 3, 2002 (What did she use, telepathy?)
8. "I also understand how tender the free enterprise system can be." - George W. Bush, White House press conference, Washington, DC, July 8, 2002 (Yes, it takes a tough man to make a tender economy.)
  9. "We want to reduce greenhouse gases. Ours is a large economy. We used to generate more wealth than we are today. And as a result, we do contribute greenhouse gases to the atmosphere." - George W. Bush, press conference with Tony Blair, London, July 19, 2001  
  10. "We also need to conserve more, and conservation comes as a result of new technologies." - George W. Bush, CNN interview, Apr. 25, 2001 (Technically, new technology can bring efficiency; conservation comes from people actively using less oil and gas.)  
  11. "We need to counter the shock wave of the evildoer by having individual rate cuts accelerated and by thinking about tax rebates." - George W. Bush, at the Labor Department, Oct. 4, 2001 (Yes, lower marginal tax rates - that will teach the evildoers.)  
  12. "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." - George W. Bush, the 'Mission Accomplished' speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003 (Unfortunately, this one isn't funny - the number of dead Americans in Iraq since this statement is almost 10 times what we had lost as of May 1, 2003.)  
  13. "It's one thing to have justice. It's another thing to go overboard with justice." - George W. Bush, August 11, 2004 [AUDIO]  
  14. "Both sides ought to be properly taught . . . so people can understand what the debate is about. Part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought . . . You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, and the answer is yes." - George W. Bush, Washington, DC, August 1, 2005, telling a group of TX newspaper reporters that intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution as competing theories (The only problems are that: 1) intelligent design (ID) is not actually a "competing theory" (it's not testable), it's a belief, 2) there is no empirical evidence for ID, 3) ID proponents haven't yet attempted to publish in the relevant scientific literature, where ideas typically percolate for 10-50 years before making it into school textbooks, and 4) ID proponents instead want to hold the debate in public meetings and school classrooms. What's silly is that George W. Bush apparently buys this drivel and thinks that primary and secondary school students should decide for themselves between evolution and ID! Gee, why not teach astrology in school, too?)  


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