The Secrets of Life

  1. Know your core values. Examine them periodically. Use them to guide decisions in your life.

  2. Keep your commitments – to others but also the ones you make to yourself.

  3. Focus on your commitments and ignore distractions unworthy of your time.

  4. Act as though you are 100% responsible for everything you have and everything that happens to you.

  5. Don’t blame others, or the situation – when something goes differently than you would like.

  6. Examine your own behavior. Do not assign blame, but ask what you could have done differently that would have produced a different result.

  7. See yourself, and our common human condition, in every stranger’s eyes.

  8. Be generous in examining the motives, accomplishments, and especially the failings of others.

  9. Be skeptical, but don’t be cynical.

  10. When someone else is talking, focus on really hearing their point of view.

  11. Avoid talking about others in their absence.

  12. Avoid complaining, except to someone who can actually do something about your complaint.

  13. Create things in the world. Don’t talk something down simply because you don’t share the vision.

  14. Stop talking about it. Take action.

  15. Schedule daily, weekly, and other regular practices in you life that further your commitments.

  16. Contribute to and support other people, organizations, and society as a whole.

  17. Allow others to contribute to you.

  18. Create structures to help you achieve your goals.

  19. See possibility for further development in every domain of your life. Share those possibilities with a wide circle of other people.

  20. Spend some time attending to each of the domains of life. Don’t ignore any domain for long periods of time.

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