E-Mail Netiquette


Most cultures have a set of social standards that people are supposed to follow. E-mail netiquette is a term that refers to the etiquette that one should follow while in cyberspace. Netiquette is helpful because it tells people the rules for behaving correctly while online. Communicating over the computer means that non-verbal signals are not there to follow, only words on the screen. Therefore, users receive signals from people by things like having all of the words in capital letters, or by not using any punctuation marks. It is especially helpful to have rules for people who are new to using e-mail, because they may accidentally convey an unintended attitude with their words. Whether one is new to using e-mail or an old pro, knowing the proper netiquette can help one communicate more effectively and appropriately.

E-mail Technology

Over the last decade, the Internet has risen to be a technology giant in the communications and marketing field. The local dry cleaner shop can send out a two for one coupon to their patrons. Airlines can inform the public about the latest deals by sending out a mass e-mailer. This is a world filled with the sounds of data signals and the tapping of keyboards. Computers, and specifically e-mail, have revolutionized the way that families and businesses can communicate. Because it has become such a huge part of this society, researchers are now interested in things like "computer ethics" and e-mail netiquette. They are intrigued by the ways that e-mail is, and is not, like writing a note or letter by hand. E-mail is definitely here to stay, and will undoubtedly keep evolving and coming up with bigger and better ways to communicate.

Elements of E-mail

The basic components and functions of e-mail include:


Attachments are files added to e-mail messages. Attachments can be word processing documents, spreadsheets, pictures, or sound files. E-mail messages only contain text, therefore attachments are not text. This problem used to be solved by hand by using a program called "uuencode", which transforms the binary information to text. Today, e-mail clients do this automatically for users.

User Responsibility

By having an e-mail account, users are agreeing to behave in a certain way. Here are a couple of technical ways to keep other users happy with you:

Behavioral Guidelines

When using e-mail there are many rules and guidelines that should be kept in mind. Whether it is a message to a friend, a family member, or a co-worker, all receivers have certain expectations. If you do not want to offend someone or give someone the wrong impression, follow these simple tips.

General Issues

Sending and Receiving Messages

The Contents of Messages


Guidelines are not laws or rules intended to take away freedoms on the net. Instead, they provide users, new or experienced, with simple reminders on what is considered appropriate behavior while using e-mail. An interesting point to note is that while the medium is in many ways a reflection of the physical world, it is in other ways fundamentally different—manifesting its own customs and practices. In an ever-changing world of technologies, being prepared and knowledgeable about the e-mail system is just one way to stay ahead of the game.

Related Links

Albion's Netiquette Home Page

Learn the Net's E-mail Etiquette

University of Alberta's E-netiquette

E-mail Netiquette from the University of Oregon

How E-mail Works

Everything E-mail

Arlene Rinaldi's Internet Guidelines and Culture

Realty Times' Seven Annoying E-mail No-No’s